Nessie and the Living Stone, Crossroads Publishers, 2000
Winner, Independent E-book Award for Best Children's Book
Nessie and the Viking Gold, in press.
Nessie and the Celtic Maze, in process.
Series created by Jean Lorrah
Series created by Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Series created by Gene Roddenberry
Classic Trek
The Vulcan Academy Murders, Pocket Books, 1984
The IDIC Epidemic, Pocket Books, 1988
Survivors, Pocket Books, 1989
Metamorphosis, Pocket Books, 1990
"March 5, 1980," Pandora #7, 1981
"Human Voices," Dragon Magazine, January, 1992: 91-93. (Reprinted on CD-ROM, 1999)
"The Beholder," Realms of Fantasy, October, 1994
"Reflection of a Dream," Read a Good Story, Do a Good Deed program on the Internet, August-October, 2000.
"Change of Command," Read a Good Story, Do a Good Deed program on the Internet, November, 2000.
"The Rooster Under the Table" (with Lois Wickstrom), Read a Good Story, Do a Good Deed program on the Internet, beginning November, 2000.
"The Shamanistic Vision in Fantastic Poetry," in The Scope of the Fantastic, Vol. I, ed. Marshall B. Tymn and James T. Sabin. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985.
"Dracula Meets the New Woman," in The Blood is the Life: Vampires in Literature, ed. Mary Ferguson Pharr. Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press, 1999.